I perceive this as something of a problem, highlighted by the question "These days what am I passionate about?" I would find it difficult to come up with an honest answer which didn't make me sound idle and self-centred. (Possible answers include trivial pastimes on the computer and organising my iPod - as I said, nothing which puts me in a good light.) I know what I ought to be passionate about - communicating the gospel; being a follower of Christ; helping make this world a better place. So why don't these things stir me and motivate me?
OK, let's not paint too harsh a picture: Yes, they do stir me a bit. But not nearly enough.
I once read a prayer (it's in one of my books somewhere and I'm sure I'll come across it again one day) which ended with the heartfelt plea, "Give us a kick up the backside, Lord." I need to make that my own personal prayer...
Lord, shake me out of my contentment. Stir me up. Ignite my fire. Renew my passion. I realise that for this to happen it may mean some big problem or issue landing on my lap, but if that's what it takes, then so be it. I could happily drift along like this indefinitely, but it wouldn't be good for me, and it wouldn't do much to advance the cause of the kingdom. So give me a kick up the backside, Lord. May the next blog entry be one in which I record that I have been well and truly kick-started!