It has dawned on me that I am in the same situation as the two new writers from the TV programme, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. In last week's episode, an outside comedy writer had been brought in to help two new writers develop their skills. They re-wrote the same sketch over a dozen times and it still wasn't funny. The outside adviser explained to the executive producer that the problem was they had been repeatedly told, "No pressure. Just have a go. Do what you can." So of course they produced rubbish. Success or failure didn't matter to them. To counteract this, he wanted their sketch to be performed at the dress rehearsal for the show. "I want them to know what 350 people not laughing sounds like."
There is no real pressure in my life. I have no immediate boss breathing down my neck who will yell at me if I fail. I have a nice tolerant congregation who will put up with my mediocre efforts. I don't mean that as an insult. What I mean is that nobody comes down on me like a ton of bricks when I produce work that is below my best. I don't live in fear of failure because the worst that can happen is a few people saying, "Not one of your better sermons, today." Administratively, if I let things pile up it's no big deal. I know I can bluff my way if need be. Providing I turn up to meetings and sound confident I can get away with shoddy preparation.
Even letting God down doesn't feel like a major disaster. I know he loves me and will forgive me, so why should I strain to my utmost to please him?
Lord, open my ears to the sound of 350 people remaining unimpressed by my material. I don't relish the thought of falling flat on my face in front of everyone, but if that's what it takes to make me produce my best efforts, then pile on the pressure, Lord. I need it.
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