Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Expecting miracles

Today's discussion at the ministers fellowship centred around our expectation of hearing God's guidance and seeing God at work. One of the prayers at the end was especially appropriate for me - "we reach a stage in ministry when we can do most things adequately in our own strength." That's where I am. I get the job done, sometimes on time, and usually to a satisfactory standard (at least by my own reckoning). But is that ministry? Shouldn't I be stepping out in faith and tackling the kind of things where I need to rely fully on God?

My prayer at this moment is that God will open my ears and my mind and my heart so that I am alert for any little promptings from him. I could make this a kind of game or puzzle: the clues are all around me, but which of them is the genuine voice of God? What's he wanting me to do? How is he wanting me to live? And if I can't answer with any certainty, what's my best guess? Lord, help me to fine-tune my heart so that it receives loud and clear the wavelength of your Spirit.

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