Monday, 3 May 2010

Arm supports (gain without pain)

The story of Israel's battle against the Amalekites has always struck me as a bit of a cheat. The army only win as long as Moses is holding his arms up. But he gets tired. So he sits down and two aides come and hold his arms up for him. It's as if he's taking advantage of 'the rules' to get something for nothing. Instead of having to put the effort in himself, he gets the same results with others doing the work - and much easier work at that.

But maybe that's the point of the story. Sometimes getting the job done is what matters, and if there's a short cut which saves you exhausting yourself in the process, then go for it. I can think of times when I have done things the hard way in order to impress others with my sacrificial dedication. Such behaviour doesn't impress God. He'd rather me use my intelligence to act efficiently, especially when that involves teamwork and sharing the burden.

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