Reflecting on my apathy towards work on Monday (see yesterday's post), I have realised where the problem began. For a few months I have been very disciplined over the consumption of chocolate. I have been restricting myself, except for the occasional treat, to fair trade dark chocolate. This has soothed my conscience in that I have not been supporting the exploitation of cocoa farmers, and calmed my addiction in that dark chocolate doesn't seem to be as more-ish as milk chocolate and one 100g bar can easily last a week.
But on Saturday afternoon I couldn't resist the 'two for £5' offer on Toblerone at the supermarket, especially as there was a new flavour (fruit and nut) to try out. I told myself that two 400g bars ought to last a good few weeks, but it has only taken three days to eat my way into the second bar.

Just as superman loses his powers in the presence of kryptonite, so my will-power goes to pieces in the presence of Toblerone. I become lethargic, lazy and uncaring. I live moment by moment longing for my next triangular chocolate fix.
There seems to me to be only one way out. I must remove the offending article from my study by consuming it in as short a time as possible.
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