The New Year began with me learning to cope with disappointment. Last night season two of
The IT Crowd was shown in its entirety. The previous night I had recorded the whole of season one and put it on DVD to be seen at my leisure. This morning I wanted to do the same for season two. But I put a chapter marker in the wrong place and in trying to remove it I deleted five and a half episodes (out of six). Logic tells me not to be distraught over this. After all, I have seen all the episodes when they were first broadcast. And by and large I managed to shrug philosophically and not let this mistake spoil my day.
So it was appropriate that this week's article from
The Alban Institute was about the guiding principle of 'enough'. I don't need more DVDs waiting to be watched. I have enough already. I'm always talking about trying to live a simpler lifestyle. I should be rejoicing that when my will-power lets me down, my technical incompetence steps in to help out.
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