An excellent couple of sessions at the Street Pastors training day in Brixton. Not so much in terms of what I learned about being a Street Pastor (though I did learn useful things in that area), but more in terms of the impact on my own spiritual journey. Just one example: as we sang the chorus "How great is our God" over and over I gazed around the room at the variety of people. Some were carried away in an ecstasy of worship with raised hands and beatific expressions. Some were singing half-heartedly and looking pretty unimpressed. And a whole range in between. But I thought to myself "God must be great to bring all these different people together to serve him!" and (yes, I know this is going to sound really cheesy) my heart was suddenly full of love for all my fellow Christians gathered in that place.
Things said during the training and conversations on the train afterwards made me realise that the Spirit is moving in my life and in the situations around me. I have committed myself to preaching in a week's time on the life and future of our church. I have begun to get some idea of what I want to say. It feels like a key moment coming up and I've only seven days to be ready for it. I have big doubts as to my ability to remain standing as I surf this wave of the Spirit, but I've got to give it a go.

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