Saturday, 15 May 2010

What size Bible chunks?

Taking the 'daily bread' image of the manna one stage further (see here for earlier blog), I noticed that when manna first appeared those who collected a large amount did not have too much and those who collected a small amount did not have too little. If this aspect of God's miraculous provision continued, my logical mind says that people would have gravitated towards collecting small amounts and saving themselves too much effort. But if we apply the same idea to the daily reading of the Bible, what do we conclude?

That reading twice as much does not mean God speaks to you twice as much. The person reading many chapters at one sitting and the person focusing on one single sentence are equally blessed. Both ways of reading are important and valuable, but mere volume doesn't confer greater insight. If we are open and receptive to God, then he will give us just the right nourishment for the day, no more, no less.

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