Saturday 10 November 2007

Am I worthy of the sacrifice of others?

I've just finished preparing my talk for the Remembrance Day parade service. In it I will be reminding everyone of how much their current life and freedom depends on the sacrifice (in varying ways) of others - of parents, of those who fought in the world wars, and of Jesus.

One further thought occurs to me (which I won't include in tomorrow's service). I am in the fortunate position of being the minister in a generally trouble-free and active church. Life for me is pretty good at the moment. And this is in large part due to the goodwill extended to me by members of the local church and circuit. Many people are prepared to put themselves out to help me in practical and organisational ways. Many pray for me and offer friendship and support. And the 64,000 dollar question is "Do I live in a way worthy of their support and sacrifice?"

The honest answer has to be "Not nearly as much as I should."

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