Monday 26 November 2007

A dawn sky to lift the spirits

The temptation is strong to list all the things I have been doing over the last ten days. Suffice it to say I have been lacking the time (and motivation too if I'm honest) to maintain my online spiritual journal.

Another temptation is to describe my current status in terms of work. OK, that's a temptation I can't resist, but I'll keep it brief: Yesterday (Sunday) lunchtime we set off for Macclesfield to spend a few days with our son. My next 'work' commitment is on Thursday evening, so I have three clear days to enjoy the company of wife, son and dog. Except that there are three events on Friday and Sunday which I have not begun to prepare for, plus a few major issues that I need to keep on top of. The wonderful thing about the internet is that I can work away from home. The problem about the internet is that I can't escape work even when I leave home. Anyway, nil desperandum. I reckon an hour or two focused work each day will see me through and still leave plenty of room to enjoy life.

The plain fact is that I cannot identify offhand any significant spiritual moments in recent days. The closest I can come up with is the beautiful red sky, accompanied by a randomly chosen MP3 track which superbly complemented the mood, which lifted my spirits as I set off to buy the morning paper. Thanks, Lord, for simple reminders of your glory. Oh yes - there was also the great family hilarity last night produced by (surprisingly considering self and wife have little car interest) an episode of Top Gear. In fact, come to think of it, life is full of wonderful and exciting moments. I just don't normally stop to recall them.

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