Tuesday 4 December 2007

Living in Hedonicity

If my spiritual life were expressed in terms of a journey (as in The Pilgrim's Progress), then I have not been making much headway for some time. Instead I am happily ensconced in Hedonicity, a metropolis given over to the pursuit of pleasure. I have stayed well clear of the red light district in this city, but have lingered long in its restaurants, cinemas, libraries and internet cafés. It's a good life here in Hedonicity and I would be happy to stay indefinitely, but I'm supposed to be on a journey and I have a long way to go.

Lord, give me the will-power to shift my focus of attention away from the superficial pleasures of daily life and onto the joy of knowing and serving you. (That prayer was carefully worded. I don't want to give up leisure, but I do want it not to loom so large in my thoughts.)

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