Wednesday 24 September 2008

Treating children like mini adults

One of the concerns raised at the school governors meeting last night was the way parents talked in the presence of their children. Either the subject matter or the foul language was sometimes hugely inappropriate for children under 10. The parents at the meeting were more passionate about this than I was. Partly because I don't hang around the school gates to hear what is being said, but partly because of my easy-going approach to life. On reflection this is a case for getting steamed up.

Children are not adults. They shouldn't be subjected to the full range of sex, violence and bad language that I seem to take in my stride these days. If they grow up in a household where such things are normal and not hidden, then no wonder they act and speak the same themselves.

Our church is in the process of appointing a family worker. The above thoughts remind me of the vital reasons behind this appointment. It is not to make the existing congregation feel better because the age profile of the church is lowered. It is not even to ensure a future for our particular church. It is because the church has something to offer to families and to growing children. We have a message to share and an example to show which will make a difference to people's lives, especially during those formative years.

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