Tuesday 23 September 2008

When is a door not a door?

When it's a jar.

This was one of the first riddles I ever heard way back when I was a little bitty boy. It comes to mind because we found this morning that our front door had been left slightly ajar all night. (I know who was the last person home last night, but I'm not naming names.)

Fortunately the dog didn't exit and no burglar entered. Thanks be to God! Why thank God? Well, I wouldn't go as far as to say that God sent an angel to stand guard and keep the eyes of any villainous passers-by from noticing the ajarness of the door. But neither do I believe that God himself didn't notice and wasn't interested. God provides for our needs in a whole range of ways, and most often by gentle subtlety rather than by dramatic intervention. Maybe one day a slip up like this will have bad consequences and I will have to say "thank you, God, for teaching us we need to be more careful" but as far as last night goes - "Thank you, God, for your protection and for keeping us safe."

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