Monday, 10 May 2010

Second chances

One of the key events in Israel's history was the giving of the law on Mount Sinai. Moses produced stone tablets containing the ten commandments, and there were many other rules laid down by which the people should live and worship God. And the whole thing happened twice.

The first time was spoiled by the people's sin, turning from their God to making and worshipping a golden calf. This resulted in an angry God, in the killing of many perpetrators and almost (if it weren't for Moses pleading on their behalf) the end of Israel. Basically a disaster of the first order. Where do you go from there? This is where the grace of God comes to the fore. Out of the total wreckage of his plans, he is ready to begin again, to repeat the whole process of law-giving and get his plans for the people back on track.

Without wanting to go into any details in a public blog, this principle is very pertinent to a situation I am facing at the moment. God is a God of second chances - in the big things of life as well as the small.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another great post, true honest and sincere!...thanks for sharing :)