Friday 19 October 2007

Me? A workaholic? Surely not!

My daughter accused me yesterday of being a workaholic. My response was that I am in no way a workaholic, but was in the unfortunate position of being whatever the opposite of a workaholic is and yet having to work hard. Was that a fair response?

The facts: a) I have always found it much harder to start work than to stop work. I have seen workaholic ministers who seem to get a buzz out of non-stop activity and have felt relieved not to be like them. One of the biggest compliments I was ever paid was from my doctor (some years ago now) who was also one of my church members. He said that if it had been any other minister exhibiting my symptoms he would have diagnosed a stress-related ulcer, but in my case he was sure that was not the problem. I take time off. I look forward to taking time off. To put it bluntly I am bone idle. This doesn't mean I sit and daydream. I am happy to be occupied, but I would much rather read a book, do a crossword or watch a film (or write a post for my blog) than get down to anything resembling work.

b) The last month or so has been busy and the last few days particularly so. I have even cut short my meal breaks because there has been essential preparation for the various meetings I have had to attend. My leisure seems to consist of snatched moments here and there rather than unhurried luxurious relaxation. And although I have complained aloud (e.g. "It's nine thirty in the evening and this is the first time since breakfast I've not been actively engaged in something.") I may be secretly enjoying the sensation of having such a busy diary.

Horror of horrors! I may be turning into a workaholic after all! My only scheduled activity today is Street Pastor duty tonight. My ambition for the day is basically to restore order to my desk, in-tray and email, all of which contain uncomfortable quantities of paperwork. I need another ambition to set alongside this - to demonstrate to my daughter that I have all the time in the world for her and for leisure. I'm NOT a workaholic. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not.

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