Wednesday 10 October 2007

What's my score?

The Independent newspaper is giving away a series of booklets about Success at Work. From the little I've read so far, much of the advice is inappropriate for Christian ministry. I'm not sure, for example, that I want to work hard every hour of the day including evenings and weekends, and stay up into the small hours of the morning so that I can get the job done, but at the same time give the impression of cool unharassed efficiency and never let on how busy I am having to be to achieve what I do. That sounds to me more like 'how to die early of stress' rather than 'how to have a successful working life'.

Other advice seemed potentially more worthwhile. For example, giving yourself a score for how well you did a particular activity so that you become focussed on how to learn from mistakes and do better next time.

So how well would I score my ministry at this precise moment?

  • Preaching 80% - I have had some good feedback recently about my services. Lots of people said how good the Harvest Parade service was. I still waffle on too long, so there is room for improvement.
  • Pastoral Care 50% - I get on well with most people and they seem pleased to see me. My biggest fault is that I don't get out to visit people nearly as often as I intend.
  • Administration 40% - I am competent at chairing meetings and capable of dealing with admin, but I too easily let paperwork get out of control, and then it begins to dominate my working life in an unhelpful way.
  • Networking 70% - I attend lots of social functions with church members, and enjoy keeping in touch with colleagues in Methodism and other denominations.
  • Leadership 50% - I don't see myself as a dynamic leader, but I do what I can to set and example and promote the right attitudes.

That would give an overall score for my ministry as an estimated 60%. Enough for a pass, but a long way from excellence.

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