Thursday 3 January 2008

Searching greatly increases the chance of finding

The theme of my epiphany sermon and my breakfast reading today had a great deal in common. Was this mere serendipity or was God telling me that my thoughts so far on the sermon were along the right lines? In either case the lesson is one I need to apply to myself not just teach others. This is it:

If you want an epiphany you have to go looking for it. Unlike the shepherds, who were literally minding their own business when a moment of glorious revelation overwhelmed them, the wise men had to work out the clues for themselves, go on a journey, arrive at the wrong destination, take advice, put their trust in the wrong person (but realise it before too late), recognise a familiar sign and eventually reach the right place.

Being a disciple is a matter of choice. It is not going to happen by merely getting on with life and hoping for the best. I need to spend time reading about Jesus, thinking through the issues that his gospel raises, talking to him, listening for a response and trying out any newly-discovered guiding principles to see if they work. None of this will happen unless I decide to do it.

This is a good a moment as any to set down my decision: I choose to be a disciple of Jesus.

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